Sunday, November 18, 2007

Quick and Easy Hour Earners

1. Making Flyers
The flyers should have the following on there:
  • A.R.T.E: Artistically Reviving the Earth
  • Forms in the main office
  • Donations of $1-10 can get your name and graduation year imprinted
  • Donations $10 or more can get your potrait on the mural for the era of your choice
if you need portraits...
i would pick the johnny depp or if you want the background picture, go to the blog site, and one of the entries has all the forms and flyers from last year.

If you make a flyer, please send it to me and print one copy. We need to get it signed and approved.

2. We will go to individual homerooms, so the more ppl you convince to either join the group or be in the mural

3. Making copies for flyers (we'll do this after getting flyers approved)
20 black and white copies = 1hr
10 color copies = 1 hr

My suggestion: Print black and white on bright color paper b/c it catches ppl's attention. If we have enough flyers by next wednesday, we'll make the huge A.R.T.E sign that we had last year...

Monday, October 08, 2007

Fall Fest

Fall fest is this wednesday so remember what you are bringing (refer to the email). If you have any ideas email us so we can approve it. Also, if you have gym or free on wednesday during 8th, you can assist Jenn in the set up. This is your first chance at hours so please take advantage of it.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

October 3rd meeting

Hey guys
I really hope you can come to the meeting this wednesday.
We will participate in Fall Fest next week, which means we really need to come together as a group and start fundraising. This is your first oppurtunity for hours. I will give hours based on attendance and how you contribute. That is my general philosophy. We also will discuss advertising schemes and the mural. Please get your contracts signed!!! If you need one let me know ASAP!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New School Year!

Another school year has once again arrived...which means A.R.T.E is starting up again!
This year we are meeting in room 254, not 275....
We will have meetings for the next three weeks: September 19, September 26th, and October 3rd.
I hope old members return and welcome all new members. We are going to have one crazy year!

See you guys tommorow!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Communiversity is a success!

The title says it all! After the street festival, I recounted the money and we have a total of $536 however that is without the coins. This is are last "fair". I know spring fling might be coming up, however, I think we should really start advertising the mural. On Thursday, the tower article will come out on the first page. We also have a quarter page ad in the Tower. For those who still need hours, consider the last entry deal I made with you guys. Anyway, there is no meeting for the next three wednesdays because they are SAT/SAT II/AP weeks. Thank you for participating and happy studying!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ways to get quick hours

Hey guys,

Here are two ways to get quick hours:
1. For every 20 copies of the form/flyer you print out, I will give you 1 hour!
2. If you guys could carry say 20-30 forms (in the main office) with and ask your teacher if you could make a brief announcement. Here is the deal: For every 5 people you convince, I'll give you one hour!

Tell your classmates:Hey guys/ hi/ some intro
A.R.T.E: Artistically Reviving the Earth plans to paint a mural celebrating 110 years of PHS. However, because the school is not funding the project, we are asking you guys to make donations (a min. of $20). In return you can get featured in the mural. Is anyone interested?

Mention the choice of era and the fact that they can at least have their name in the mural. Remember portraits are decided by first, firs come first serve, and second, the amount donated affects the position. Also mention the option for PHS alumni.

Common Questions:
Where will the mural be?
That is not finalized however we are hoping it will be on the side of the auditorium where the tower articles are...
If not enough people donate will we still have the mural?
Yes, we will still paint the mural, but fundraise by other means.
How big is the mural?
7-8 feet high, 20-22 feet long
What do you mean by position?
There will be many rows of students. So if you were last on the cut off for the mural, but donated $20, you will probably be in the second row. But you can still see your face!

If there are other questions that you cannot answer, write it down and let one of us know. Or tell them to email:

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Things you need to know

These are some files that are really important for the mural.
This is the form you need to print out.
The other site provides information that you can foward to friends interested.
Please check you email because I sent directions and info that you need to know for the meeting.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Celebrating 110 years of PHS!

It is official: A.R.T.E. is allowed to paint the mural of our choice. We have met all requirements. We have an art advisor and she loved our idea. This past meeting we discussed the possiblities of fundraising by allowing alumni and students to make generous donations, and in return, as a thank you, we could feature them in the era of their choice. Later on I will be sending out the flyer we will give out. With the money we can finance the mural and support many villages.
- Tiger Tribune: Ms. Siso will put it in the Tribune
- Flyers: These will be distributed to each homeroom
- Alumni: The flyer will be sent by email to all the alumni
- Tower: We are allowed to write a tower brief on the mural for more publicity.
- Communiversity: We will have flyers there for those interested to help or donate.

Projected Goal Deadline
We will start taking donations after spring break until the end of the school year. During the summer, those who are interested can help draw the portraits or research fashion styles of each era.
When the new school year begins, we will recruit as many volunteers interested in helping.
We hope to finish the mural before 2008, because in 2008, PHS will celebrate 110 years! This is our present to the school.

Era: Choose top three choices
- The beginning (1898-1915)
- The twenties
- Fifties
- Sixties
- Seventies
- Eighties
- Present day (1990-2008)

$20, $30, $40, $50, $75, $100
This way it is student affordable too! Donations also affect placement in the mural.
Portraits recieved on first come first serve basis.

Any questions? Ask at the next meeting: 4/11


Friday, March 23, 2007


Hey guys,
Hope is a wonderful thing. We will be participating in Communiversity for the first year. We are allowed food as long as I get a food permit. We will have to start planning because spring break leaves us only three to four meetings to plan. We will have a meeting the Wednesday before Spring break. Maybe just maybe, we can get a money grant from Pratham and have t-shirt designing but that is a long shot....(Hope shall prevail!!!!!!!!!!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Craft Show

Hey guys,
Long time, not update.
Well, the Cranbury Craft Show was held March 10th and 11th at Cranbury School. We had a great location with a wall behind us and next to an entrance and raffle ticket booth. By mostly henna, we earned 267 dollars which is amazing! Anyway, there is no meeting tommorow because of language exams. Also, our next event will hopefully be Communiversity on April 28th!
Here is a pic of the layout!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I have attached a link for the midterms if you don't like checking your email because I know many check the website.

Remember, they are due Feb. 12th so get them done and don't procrastinate.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


So I know its been a while since our last meeting (Dec. 20th). We will have on January 17th but not during the midterms week. There is a midterm, if you are not aware, for community service. So please try to come to the meeting next week to get the info and we can answer questions. Also, people lacking hours, there is a blood drive March 22. I will inform you next week. Lastly, we will hopefully start actually drawing for the mural so come if you have an opinion.