The flyers should have the following on there:
- A.R.T.E: Artistically Reviving the Earth
- Forms in the main office
- Donations of $1-10 can get your name and graduation year imprinted
- Donations $10 or more can get your potrait on the mural for the era of your choice
i would pick the johnny depp or if you want the background picture, go to the blog site, and one of the entries has all the forms and flyers from last year.
If you make a flyer, please send it to me and print one copy. We need to get it signed and approved.
2. We will go to individual homerooms, so the more ppl you convince to either join the group or be in the mural
3. Making copies for flyers (we'll do this after getting flyers approved)
20 black and white copies = 1hr
10 color copies = 1 hr
My suggestion: Print black and white on bright color paper b/c it catches ppl's attention. If we have enough flyers by next wednesday, we'll make the huge A.R.T.E sign that we had last year...